Satiated Podcast
Satiated Podcast
How To Step Into Self Leadership and Grieve Past Selves with Pavini Moray
Happy Satiated Saturday!
When you're struggling with binging or restricting, all the power can feel like it is in the food. Like the food has some captivating hold that no matter your best attempts to break it, nothing seems to work.
Often this is because your food coping mechanisms aren't about the food. So the more focus there is on the food, the further away you might feel from the root cause of your food behaviors. One root cause can be feeling like your ability to step into self leadership has been taken away.
When you experience trauma, it can start to feel like you can't trust yourself or your body. Your trust starts to be put into diets, other practitioners, and eating strategies. They become the leader of you and your body. But, no one else lives in your body but you. You are the only one who will know what satiates you physically and emotionally.
So the practice can be to put that trust back in yourself and become a leader of you. Stepping into self leadership is a practice of slowing down to hear all of your parts and then making a decision that feels in alignment with your present and future self.
In this week's episode, I chat with Pavini Moray, author and Somatic Relationship Coach about:
- What is needed to explore and cultivate when stepping into a position of self leadership
- The presence of grief on this journey and any healing path s
- Somatic practices to start to connect with yourself
- Breaking free from your lineage
- and so much more...
You can also read the transcript to this week’s episode here: https://www.stephaniemara.com/blog/self-leadership-and-grieve-past-selves
With Compassion and Empathy,
Stephanie Mara Fox
Keep in touch with Pavini:
Website: www.pavinimoray.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pavinicoakwellmoray/
Books: How To Hold Power
Keep in touch with Stephanie Mara:
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Special thanks to Bendsound for the music in this episode. ...